Wednesday, July 21, 2010

African Oasis: Package Design: Round 1


  1. hi! can you tell me what i missed in class last week? i don't see anyone else posting their projects, so i'm hoping that i have not been working on the wrong thing!

    your packaging is great, by the way! i can definitely see that you have your own style shining through with everything that you do.

  2. Hi Augusta,
    Thanks for the feedback! Last week we covered the first round of package design. Most people had hand-drawn sketches, therefore, that's probably why most haven't posted online. We received a critique on what worked and what didn't work to improve for phase 2. Tomorrow, we come to class with our package design with label printed or glued to the package we choose.
    Good luck!
    M. Shatara

  3. thanks! whew, that's what i have been working on. what a relief!

  4. A is definitely my favorite, but they all look great! You really have an eye for design!
